Earn real money for simply recommending our sports agency!
All you need to do is recommend our agency to a talented athlete who will sign a contract with us and make a payment for the selected package. You will receive, ATTENTION, as much as 20% commission on the amount you pay to our company. The smallest amount you will earn is as much as EUR 300 when recommending the START package.
You will earn up to EUR 1000 if someone you recommend buys the highest package!
The game is worth the candle, so if you know a young, talented, extremely ambitious athlete who is looking for a professional sports agency – recommend SW7 Sports to him!
You will receive the money within 7 days from the moment the money transferred by the athlete is recorded.
What do you need to do to join the program? NOTHING – just start recommending us, and the athlete himself only needs to mention that he is on your recommendation. We will contact you and arrange the payment details. Of course, it will be best if you call or write to us in advance and let us know that someone you recommend may join us!
Benefits of cooperation