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How to achieve sports success with an agency? How to find an agent?

Sports success in today’s difficult times is undoubtedly influenced by many factors. It is no longer enough to just be very good at your discipline and show potential for the future. In addition to the strictly sporting aspects, there are many other issues, such as luck, lack of injuries, a good sports agent, appropriate mental background, exercises, development, insurance, etc. In this guide, we will mainly talk about establishing cooperation with a professional sports agency.

A sports agency is a company dealing primarily with professional management of the careers of so-called players. Sports Management. Nowadays, absolutely every professional athlete has an agent or company that takes care of his interests. It is impossible for an athlete to handle so many formal and organizational matters on his own without any support. This used to be the case in the 1980s and 1990s, but in today’s modern, fast times, such a situation cannot happen. The athlete would not be able to effectively focus on his/her sports development and, in addition, handle all the legal and organizational formalities at the same time.

Cooperation with an appropriate sports agency is therefore one of the key factors influencing the development of a given athlete. Interestingly, even younger athletes have sports agents and, in some cases, even 8-year-olds cooperate with sports agents with the help of their parents. What is most important is the healthy development of the player so that he and his parents can be sure of their decision.

How to find an agent?

This is not a simple matter at all. Typically, agents approach progressive athletes themselves. Our agency is one of the few in Poland that allows athletes to send their own applications. Searching for a good agent is usually a tedious job, experienced over the years with many disappointments and sorrows. If you need a truly experienced and professional agency with extensive experience and resources from many other companies, you couldn’t find a better one. Send your application to the agency

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